Friday, April 4, 2008

Devin Royer update (R.I.P)

According to latest news, the official cause of death for Devin Royer WILL be listed as heart failure mainly due to it being the underlying cause.
Iowa schools, I have been told, have their students get physicals every OTHER year, which where I'm from, Illinois, they require physicals EVERY year, no matter what.
I've been informed that Devin did NOT yet have a physical question I pose is why didn't he?
He had already started practices and such but had yet to have a physical done?
Was this due to the school not informing anyone or the parents not following through and having it done?
Either way, this is something that MAY have been found out ahead of time and then this tragic incident may have never happened.
So far in regards to the autopsy, they have found scarring which means that Devin has had a PREVIOUS attack on his heart. As I'm sure we all know, not all heart problems come with symptoms and anyone at any given time can suffer some sort of damage to their heart without even knowing about it but as I mentioned, there was damage done to his heart already.
Yes, Devin's death will be listed as due to heart failure/aneurysm which can occur at any time. Believe it or not, he could have had a physical two months prior to this and STILL had this happen to him but regardless, he could have at least been given somewhat more of a chance if a physical would have been performed and then maybe, just maybe this problem with his heart may have come to light.
I don't know what the physicals, especially for track include here in Iowa but if you ask me for something like this, I think they need to be hooked up and given a stress test and have EKG's done in order to see what the heart can and can't take and then hopefully something like this will never happen again or at least be able to be helped before it gets to this stage, which of course is death!
I just think that there could and should have been something done beforehand which could have either found all of this out or at least given a physician and/or the family a heads up.
It just seems to me that someone, maybe not just one person but someone, somewhere, dropped the ball and didn't do their proper job which in turn led to this young teenager's death.
I surely think something like this could have been prevented if proper steps were taken.

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